Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I Shot The Tambourine Man

Within 30 seconds of tonight's show everyone knew that Jason Castro was the one being sent home tonight. Even before Trained Seal said " American Idol" he told the audience that the Top 3 were within one million votes of each other, which meant that #4 had to be way below in the vote count, and there was only one guy that could have applied to. Not even the support of Vote for the was enough to generate the sympathy votes that Quiet Man needed to make it to the Top 3. Quiet Man's reactions tonight were also a clear sign that even he knew he was in trouble. To wit:

"Dude, you gonna tell us now?" he asked Ryan before the customary mid-show tease.
"The brain being dead," in response to a caller's question on his biggest challenge he's had to overcome on the show.
"I was thinking Bob Marley!" when Captain Jack asked him last night what he was thinking.
"I've packed my bags," when Ryan reminded him of Simon's parting comment from last night.
"Somebody told me that I shot Tambourine Man yesterday. I thought that was pretty funny," said just before his elimination was announced.
"I am relieved," he told Ryan when the results were announced. "They gotta sing three songs next week. How was I going to do that?"

You have to give Quiet Man credit for one thing though. He wasn't shown in any of the auditions shows or the Hollywood Week show and yet he still made it to the Top 4. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Some things that make me ask hmmm... Why does Wonder Boy always look surprised when Ryan announces that he is safe? He has never been in the Bottom 2 or 3, even when he flubbed the lyrics of the Beatles' song. What was Maroon 5 doing performing on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame week? Couldn't they have found at least one Rock and Roll Hall of Famer to perform? Was Ozzy Osbourne unavailable or something? Why does The Dawg think Rocker Dude is one of the most original Idol performers ever? The dude has even admitted that he steals his arrangement ideas from other artists. Why did Syesha again compare her experience on Idol to the civil rights movement? Wasn't three times last night enough?

We also learned tonight that Randy felt bad for making Syesha cried even though Syesha admitted that it was Paula that prompted the tears; that Jason is scared of girls who randomly kiss him; that Rocker Dude already has a groupie waiting for him in Pittsburgh; that Paula loves being the only chick on the judge's panel, for however long she'll be allowed to sit there; that Syesha loves dolphins; that Bo Bice thought some of the contestants hid behind their instruments; and that if the crowd in Vegas and the callers on tonight's show are any indication the audience for American Idol has dwindled to tweener girls and middle aged women.

Next week is one of my favorite weeks, the one where the 3 contestants have to sing a song chosen by one of the judges along with 2 others. Which one will be stuck with Paula and what sappy song will Drunk Chick choose? And will Clive Davis boycott the Top 3 show like he did last year? Again, things that make you ask hmmm.

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