Thursday, May 2, 2013

Idol Gives Back - Fashion Plate Edition

I really loved Amber's dress that she wore tonight. Indeed Amber has been The Fashion Plate for Idol this season. Too bad Amber's songs were not as interesting as her wardrobe. So despite all of the hype and all the smoke the judges blew up Amber's finely toned hind side she still ended up joining Janelle Arthur as the first two chicks to go home, just like I predicted 2 months ago. Just not last night though.

It was nice to see her dad on the stage; you could really see the pride on his face. Now that brought tears to my eyes.

So now with Amber gone who will the judges drool all over and try and pimp to victory? I guess we already know Glitter Girl's choice (which coincidentally also happens to be my choice) but what about the other three? What about Jimmy? More importantly, which judge will step up and take Paula's and J-Lo's place as the new Angel of Death and pick the song for the contestant that will be eliminated next week? And now that we're back to 4 judges which judge will have Sole Survivor pick her song for her like Kara always did? And will any judge do what Simon did and actually work with their contestant on the song rather than hit the beach and leave it to Jimmy?

Next week is the Top 3 show, traditionally my favorite, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. And neither should you.

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