Sunday, January 16, 2011

Accepting the Case?

I guess I need to decide pretty soon if I'll be judging Season 10 from my armchair...

I'm still not sure. I'm not all that excited about Steven Tyler as an Idol judge, though I already have a nickname for him. Ladies and gentlemen... here's Jagger Lite! I've never been all that excited about Randy Jackson, though it doesn't surprise me that he was the sole survivor of the great judge purge of 2010. After all, where else would he go? Sole Survivor sounds like a better nickname for him though than Big Sexy. And is there anyone out who gets excited about Ryan Seacrest? Except perhaps Trained Seal himself and my father who still thinks he's trying to kill Dick Clark and take over his New Year's Eve show? Even Ricky Minor left the show just as I was finding more ways to make fun of him.

I will say, though, that J-Lo does show some promise, and her presence alone may be enough to convince me to do another season. I know I enjoyed making fun of her when she was a tormentor a few seasons ago, and now I potentially have 5 months of material to work with....

I will likely watch on Wednesday and take notes, and if it's entertaining enough I'll jot something down here. I won't be a full recap though, there's no way I'm staying up until 2 am writing about an audition show. Perhaps a 1 or 2 paragraph summary will suffice, that is if I can control myself.

We'll see... Of course I'll have to change the side photos...

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